A python module called PyDAOS
provides the DAOS API to python users. It aims at providing a pythonic interface
to the DAOS objects by exposing them via native python data structures.
This section focuses on the main PyDAOS interface that comes with its own
container type and layout. It does not cover the python bindings for the native
DAOS API which is available via the PyDAOS.raw
PyDAOS is a python module primarily written in C. It exposes DAOS key-value store objects as a python dictionary. Other data structures (e.g. Array compatible with numpy) are under consideration. Python objects allocated by PyDAOS are:
persistent and identified by a string name. The namespace is shared by all the objects and implementing by a root key-value store storing the association between names and objects.
immediately visible upon creation to any process running on the same or a different node.
not consuming any significant amount of memory. Objects have a very low memory footprint since the actual content is stored remotely. This allows to manipulate gigantic datasets that are way bigger than the amount of memory available on the node.
Python Container¶
To create a python container in a pool labeled tank:
$ daos cont create tank --label neo --type PYTHON
Container UUID : 3ee904b3-8868-46ed-96c7-ef608093732c
Container Label: neo
Container Type : PYTHON
Successfully created container 3ee904b3-8868-46ed-96c7-ef608093732c
One can then connect to the container by passing the pool and container labels to the DCont constructor:
>>> import pydaos
>>> dcont = pydaos.DCont("tank", "neo")
>>> print(dcont)
PyDAOS has its own container layout and will thus refuse to access a container that is not of type "PYTHON"
DAOS Dictionaries¶
The first type of data structures exported by the PyDAOS module is DAOS Dictionary (DDict) that aims at mimicking the python dict interface. Leveraging mutablemapping and UserDict has been considered during design, but eventually ruled out for performance reasons. The DDict class is built over DAOS key-value stores and supports all the methods of the regular python dictionary class. One limitation is that only strings and bytes can be stored.
A new DDict object can be allocated by calling the dict() method on the parent python container.
>>> dd = dcont.dict("stadium", {"Barcelona" : "Camp Nou", "London" : "Wembley"})
>>> print(dd)
>>> print(len(dd))
User can pass the predefined object class id during dict() method call.
This is optional and it can be RP or EC or S and has to satisfy the rf property of container.
By default, it will be OC_UNKNOWN (0) object class to daos_obj_generate_oid()
It will allow DAOS to automatically select an object class based on the container properties.
>>> dd_oid = dcont.dict("stadium_2024", {"France" : "Stade de France"}, "OC_RP_2G1")
>>> print(dd_oid)
>>> print(len(dd_oid))
This creates a new persistent object named "stadium" and initializes it with two key-value pairs.
Once the dictionary created, it is persistent and cannot be overridden:
>>> dd1 = dcont.dict("stadium")
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "/home/jlombard/src/new/daos/install/lib64/python3.6/site-packages/pydaos/", line 116, in dict
raise PyDError("failed to create DAOS dict", ret)
pydaos.PyDError: failed to create DAOS dict: DER_EXIST
For each method, a PyDError exception is raised with a proper DAOS error code (in string format) if the operation cannot be completed.
To retrieve an existing dictionary, use the get() method:
>>> dd1 = dcont.get("stadium")
New records can be inserted one at a time via put operation. Existing records can be fetched via the get() operation. Similarly to python dictionary, direct assignment is also supported.
>>> dd["Milano"] = "San Siro"
>>> dd["Rio"] = "Maracanã"
>>> print(dd["Milano"])
b'San Siro'
>>> print(len(dd))
Key-value pairs can also be inserted/looked up in bulk via the bput()/bget() methods, taking a python dict as an input. The bulk operations are issued in parallel (up to 16 operations in flight) to maximize the operation rate.
>>> dd.bput({"Madrid" : "Santiago-Bernabéu", "Manchester" : "Old Trafford"})
>>> print(len(dd))
>>> print(dd.bget({"Madrid" : None, "Manchester" : None}))
{'Madrid': b'Santiago-Bernabéu', 'Manchester': b'Old Trafford'}
Key-value pairs are deleted via the put/bput operations by setting the value to either None or the empty string. Once deleted, the key won't be reported during iteration. It also supports the del operation via the del() and pop() methods.
>>> del dd["Madrid"]
>>> dd.pop("Rio")
>>> print(len(dd))
The key space can be worked through via python iterators.
>>> for key in dd: print(key, dd[key])
Manchester b'Old Trafford'
Barcelona b'Camp Nou'
Milano b'San Siro'
London b'Wembley'
The content of a DAOS dictionary can be exported to a regular python dictionary via the dump() method.
>>> d = dd.dump()
>>> print(d)
{'Manchester': b'Old Trafford', 'Barcelona': b'Camp Nou', 'Milano': b'San Siro', 'London': b'Wembley'}
Care is required when using the dump() method for large DAOS dictionary.
The resulting python dictionary will be reported as equivalent to the original DAOS dictionary.
>>> d == dd
And will be reported as different as both objects diverge.
>>> dd["Rio"] = "Maracanã"
>>> d == dd
One can also directly test whether a key is in the dictionary.
>>> "Rio" in dd
>>> "Paris" in dd
Class representing of DAOS array leveraging the numpy's dispatch mechanism. See for more info. Work in progress