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System Deployment

The DAOS deployment workflow requires to start the DAOS server instances early on to enable administrators to perform remote operations in parallel across multiple storage nodes via the dmg management utility. Security is guaranteed via the use of certificates. The first type of commands run after installation include network and storage hardware provisioning and would typically be run from a login node.

After daos_server instances have been started on each storage node for the first time, daos_server storage prepare --scm-only will set PMem storage into the necessary state for use with DAOS when run on each host. Then dmg storage format formats persistent storage devices (specified in the server configuration file) on the storage nodes and writes necessary metadata before starting DAOS I/O engine processes that will operate across the fabric.

To sum up, the typical workflow of a DAOS system deployment consists of the following steps:

Note that starting the DAOS server instances can be performed automatically on boot if start-up scripts are registered with systemd.

The following subsections will cover each step in more detail.

DAOS Server Setup

First of all, the DAOS server should be started to allow remote administration command to be executed via the dmg tool. This section describes the minimal DAOS server configuration and how to start it on all the storage nodes.

Example RPM Deployment Workflow

A recommended workflow to get up and running is as follows:

  • Install DAOS Server RPMs - daos_server systemd services will start in listening mode which means DAOS I/O engine processes will not be started as the server config file (default location at /etc/daos/daos_server.yml) has not yet been populated.

  • Run dmg config generate -l <hostset> -a <access_points> across the entire hostset (all the storage servers that are now running the daos_server service after RPM install). The command will only generate a config if hardware setups on all the hosts are similar and have been given sensible NUMA mappings. Adjust the hostset until you have a set with homogeneous hardware configurations.

  • Once a recommended config file can be generated, copy it to the server config file default location (/etc/daos/daos_server.yml) on each DAOS Server host and restart all daos_server services. An example command to restart the services is clush -w machines-[118-121,130-133] "sudo systemctl restart daos_server". The services should prompt for format on restart and after format is triggered from dmg, the DAOS I/O engine processes should start.

Server Configuration File

The daos_server configuration file is parsed when starting the daos_server process. The configuration file location can be specified on the command line (daos_server -h for usage) otherwise it will be read from the default location (/etc/daos/daos_server.yml).

Parameter descriptions are specified in daos_server.yml and example configuration files in the examples directory.

Any option supplied to daos_server as a command line option or flag will take precedence over equivalent configuration file parameter.

For convenience, active parsed configuration values are written to a temporary file for reference, and the location will be written to the log.

Configuration Options

The example configuration file lists the default empty configuration, listing all the options (living documentation of the config file). Live examples are available.

The location of this configuration file is determined by first checking for the path specified through the -o option of the daos_server command line, if unspecified then /etc/daos/daos_server.yml is used.

Refer to the example configuration file daos_server.yml for latest information and examples.

At this point of the process, the servers: and provider: section of the yaml file can be left blank and will be populated in the subsequent sections.

Auto generate configuration file

DAOS can attempt to produce a server configuration file that makes optimal use of hardware on a given set of hosts through the 'dmg config generate' command:

$ dmg config generate --help
ERROR: dmg: Usage:
  dmg [OPTIONS] config generate [generate-OPTIONS]

Application Options:
  -l, --host-list=  comma separated list of addresses <ipv4addr/hostname>

[generate command options]
      -a, --access-points=                                 Comma separated list of access point
                                                           addresses <ipv4addr/hostname>
      -e, --num-engines=                                   Set the number of DAOS Engine sections to be
                                                           populated in the config file output. If unset
                                                           then the value will be set to the number of
                                                           NUMA nodes on storage hosts in the DAOS
      -s, --min-ssds=                                      Minimum number of NVMe SSDs required per DAOS
                                                           Engine (SSDs must reside on the host that is
                                                           managing the engine). Set to 0 to generate a
                                                           config with no NVMe. (default: 1)
      -c, --net-class=[best-available|ethernet|infiniband] Network class preferred (default:

The command will output recommended config file if supplied requirements are met. Requirements will be derived based on the number of NUMA nodes present on the hosts if '--num-engines' is not specified on the commandline.

  • '--num-engines' specifies the number of engine sections to populate in the config file output. Each section will specify a persistent memory (PMem) block devices that must be present on the host in addition to a fabric network interface and SSDs all bound to the same NUMA node. If not set explicitly on the commandline, default is the number of NUMA nodes detected on the host.

  • '--min-ssds' specifies the minimum number of NVMe SSDs per-engine that need to be present on each host. For each engine entry in the generated config, at least this number of SSDs must be bound to the NUMA node that matches the affinity of the PMem device and fabric network interface associated with the engine. If not set on the commandline, default is "1". If set to "0" NVMe SSDs will not be added to the generated config and SSD validation will be disabled.

  • '--net-class' specifies preference for network interface class, options are 'ethernet', 'infiband' or 'best-available'. 'best-available' will attempt to choose the most performant (as judged by libfabric) sets of interfaces and supported provider that match the number and NUMA affinity of PMem devices. If not set on the commandline, default is "best-available".

The configuration file that is generated by the command and output to stdout can be copied to a file and used on the relevant hosts and used as server config to determine the starting environment for 'daos_server' instances.

Config file output will not be generated in the following cases:

  • PMem device count, capacity or NUMA mappings differ on any of the hosts in the hostlist (the hostlist can be specified either in the 'dmg' config file or on the commandline).

  • NVMe SSD count, PCI address distribution or NUMA affinity differs on any of the hosts in the host list.

  • NUMA node count can't be detected on the hosts or differs on any host in the host list.

  • PMem device count or NUMA affinity doesn't meet the 'num-engines' requirement.

  • NVMe device count or NUMA affinity doesn't meet the 'min-ssds' requirement.

  • network device count or NUMA affinity doesn't match the configured PMem devices, taking into account any specified network device class preference (Ethernet or InfiniBand).

Some CentOS 7.x kernels from before the 7.9 release were known to have a defect that prevented ndctl from being able to report the NUMA affinity for a namespace, see here. This prevents generation of dual engine configs using dmg config generate when running with one of the above-mentioned affected kernels.

Certificate Configuration

The DAOS security framework relies on certificates to authenticate components and administrators in addition to encrypting DAOS control plane communications. A set of certificates for a given DAOS system may be generated by running the script provided with the DAOS software if there is not an existing TLS certificate infrastructure. The script uses the openssl tool to generate all of the necessary files. We highly recommend using OpenSSL Version 1.1.1h or higher as keys and certificates generated with earlier versions are vulnerable to attack.

When DAOS is installed from RPMs, this script is provided in the base daos RPM, and may be invoked in the directory to which the certificates will be written. As part of the generation process, a new local Certificate Authority is created to handle certificate signing, and three role certificates are created:

# /usr/lib64/daos/certgen/
Generating Private CA Root Certificate
Private CA Root Certificate created in ./daosCA
Generating Server Certificate
Required Server Certificate Files:
Generating Agent Certificate
Required Agent Certificate Files:
Generating Admin Certificate
Required Admin Certificate Files:

The files generated under ./daosCA should be protected from unauthorized access and preserved for future use.

The generated keys and certificates must then be securely distributed to all nodes participating in the DAOS system (servers, clients, and admin nodes). Permissions for these files should be set to prevent unauthorized access to the keys and certificates.

Client nodes require:

  • CA root cert
  • Agent cert
  • Agent key

Administrative nodes require:

  • CA root cert
  • Admin cert
  • Admin key

Server nodes require:

  • CA root cert
  • Server cert
  • Server key
  • All valid agent certs in the DAOS system (in the client cert directory, see config file below)

After the certificates have been securely distributed, the DAOS configuration files must be updated in order to enable authentication and secure communications. These examples assume that the configuration and certificate files have been installed under /etc/daos:

# /etc/daos/daos_server.yml (servers)

  # Location where daos_server will look for Client certificates
  client_cert_dir: /etc/daos/certs/clients
  # Custom CA Root certificate for generated certs
  ca_cert: /etc/daos/certs/daosCA.crt
  # Server certificate for use in TLS handshakes
  cert: /etc/daos/certs/server.crt
  # Key portion of Server Certificate
  key: /etc/daos/certs/server.key
# /etc/daos/daos_agent.yml (clients)

  # Custom CA Root certificate for generated certs
  ca_cert: /etc/daos/certs/daosCA.crt
  # Agent certificate for use in TLS handshakes
  cert: /etc/daos/certs/agent.crt
  # Key portion of Agent Certificate
  key: /etc/daos/certs/agent.key
# /etc/daos/daos_control.yml (dmg/admin)

  # Custom CA Root certificate for generated certs
  ca_cert: /etc/daos/certs/daosCA.crt
  # Admin certificate for use in TLS handshakes
  cert: /etc/daos/certs/admin.crt
  # Key portion of Admin Certificate
  key: /etc/daos/certs/admin.key

Server Startup

The DAOS Server is started as a systemd service. The DAOS Server unit file is installed in the correct location when installing from RPMs. The DAOS Server will be run as daos-server user which will be created during RPM install.

If you wish to use systemd with a development build, you must copy the service file from utils/systemd to /usr/lib/systemd/system. Once the file is copied, modify the ExecStart line to point to your daos_server binary.

After modifying ExecStart, run the following command:

$ sudo systemctl daemon-reload

Once the service file is installed you can start daos_server with the following commands:

$ systemctl enable daos_server.service
$ systemctl start daos_server.service

To check the component status use:

$ systemctl status daos_server.service

If DAOS Server failed to start, check the logs with:

$ journalctl --unit daos_server.service

After RPM install, daos_server service starts automatically running as user "daos". The server config is read from /etc/daos/daos_server.yml and certificates are read from /etc/daos/certs. With no other admin intervention other than the loading of certificates, daos_server will enter a listening state enabling discovery of storage and network hardware through the dmg tool without any I/O engines specified in the configuration file. After device discovery and provisioning, an updated configuration file with a populated per-engine section can be stored in /etc/daos/daos_server.yml, and after reestarting the daos_server service it is then ready for the storage to be formatted.

DAOS Server Remote Access

Remote tasking of the DAOS system and individual DAOS Server processes can be performed via the dmg utility.

To set the addresses of which DAOS Servers to task, provide either:

  • -l <hostlist> on the commandline when invoking, or

  • hostlist: <hostlist> in the control configuration file daos_control.yml

Where <hostlist> represents a slurm-style hostlist string e.g. foo-1[28-63],bar[256-511]. The first entry in the hostlist (after alphabetic then numeric sorting) will be assumed to be the access point as set in the server configuration file.

Local configuration files stored in the user directory will be used in preference to the default location e.g. ~/.daos_control.yml.

Hardware Provisioning

Once the DAOS server started, the storage and network can be configured on the storage nodes via the dmg utility.


daos_server storage commands are not config aware meaning they will not read parameters from the server configuration file.

SCM Preparation

This section addresses how to verify that PMem (Intel(R) Optane(TM) persistent memory) modules are correctly installed on the storage nodes and how to configure them in interleaved mode to be used by DAOS. Instructions for other types of SCM may be covered in the future.

Provisioning the SCM occurs by configuring PMem modules in interleaved memory regions (interleaved mode) in groups of modules local to a specific socket (NUMA), and resultant PMem namespaces are defined by a device identifier (e.g., /dev/pmem0).

PMem preparation is required once per DAOS installation.

This step requires a reboot to enable PMem resource allocation changes to be read by BIOS.

PMem preparation can be performed with daos_server storage prepare --scm-only.

The first time the command is run, the SCM interleaved regions will be created as resource allocations on any available PMem modules (one region per NUMA node/socket). The regions are activated after BIOS reads the new resource allocations. Upon completion, the storage prepare command will prompt the admin to reboot the storage node(s) in order for the BIOS to activate the new storage allocations. The storage prepare command does not initiate the reboot itself.

After running the command a reboot will be required, the command will then need to be run for a second time to expose the namespace device to be used by DAOS.

Example usage:

  • clush -w wolf-[118-121,130-133] daos_server storage prepare --scm-only after running, the user should be prompted for a reboot.

  • clush -w wolf-[118-121,130-133] reboot

  • clush -w wolf-[118-121,130-133] daos_server storage prepare --scm-only after running, PMem devices (/dev/pmemX namespaces created on the new SCM regions) should be available on each of the hosts.

On the second run, one namespace per region is created, and each namespace may take up to a few minutes to create. Details of the pmem devices will be displayed in JSON format on command completion.

Upon successful creation of the pmem devices, the Intel(R) Optane(TM) persistent memory is configured and one can move on to the next step.

If required, the pmem devices can be destroyed with the command daos_server storage prepare --scm-only --reset.

All namespaces are disabled and destroyed. The SCM regions are removed by resetting modules into "MemoryMode" through resource allocations.

Note that undefined behavior may result if the namespaces/pmem kernel devices are mounted before running reset (as per the printed warning).

A subsequent reboot is required for BIOS to read the new resource allocations.

Storage Discovery and Selection

This section covers how to manually detect and select storage devices to be used by DAOS. The server configuration file gives an administrator the ability to control storage selection.


daos_server storage commands are not config aware meaning they will not read parameters from the server configuration file.


dmg storage scan can be run to query remote running daos_server processes over the management network.

daos_server storage scan can be used to query local daos_server instances directly (scans locally-attached SSDs and Intel Persistent Memory Modules usable by DAOS). NVMe SSDs need to be made accessible first by running daos_server storage prepare --nvme-only -u <current_user prior. The output will be equivalent running dmg storage scan --verbose remotely.

bash-4.2$ dmg storage scan
Hosts        SCM Total             NVMe Total
-----        ---------             ----------
wolf-[71-72] 6.4 TB (2 namespaces) 3.1 TB (3 controllers)

bash-4.2$ dmg storage scan --verbose
SCM Namespace Socket ID Capacity
------------- --------- --------
pmem0         0         3.2 TB
pmem1         1         3.2 TB

NVMe PCI     Model                FW Revision Socket ID Capacity
--------     -----                ----------- --------- --------
0000:81:00.0 INTEL SSDPED1K750GA  E2010325    1         750 GB
0000:87:00.0 INTEL SSDPEDMD016T4  8DV10171    1         1.6 TB
0000:da:00.0 INTEL SSDPED1K750GA  E2010325    1         750 GB

The NVMe PCI field above is what should be used in the server configuration file to identified NVMe SSDs.

Devices with the same NUMA node/socket should be used in the same per-engine section of the server configuration file for best performance.

For further info on command usage run dmg storage --help.


SSD health state can be verified via dmg storage scan --nvme-health:

bash-4.2$ dmg storage scan --nvme-health
PCI:0000:81:00.0 Model:INTEL SSDPED1K750GA  FW:E2010325 Socket:1 Capacity:750 GB
  Health Stats:
    Controller Busy Time:0s
    Power Cycles:15
    Power On Duration:10402h0m0s
    Unsafe Shutdowns:13
    Error Count:0
    Media Errors:0
    Read Errors:0
    Write Errors:0
    Unmap Errors:0
    Checksum Errors:0
    Error Log Entries:0
  Critical Warnings:
    Temperature: OK
    Available Spare: OK
    Device Reliability: OK
    Read Only: OK
    Volatile Memory Backup: OK
  Intel Vendor SMART Attributes:
    Program Fail Count:
    Erase Fail Count:
    Wear Leveling Count:
    End-to-End Error Detection Count:0
    CRC Error Count:0
    Timed Workload, Media Wear:65535
    Timed Workload, Host Read/Write Ratio:65535
    Timed Workload, Timer:65535
    Thermal Throttle Status:0%
    Thermal Throttle Event Count:0
    Retry Buffer Overflow Counter:0
    PLL Lock Loss Count:0
    NAND Bytes Written:222897
    Host Bytes Written:71

PCI:0000:da:00.0 Model:INTEL SSDPED1K750GA  FW:E2010325 Socket:1 Capacity:750 GB
  Health Stats:
    Controller Busy Time:0s
    Power Cycles:15
    Power On Duration:10402h0m0s
    Unsafe Shutdowns:13
    Error Count:0
    Media Errors:0
    Read Errors:0
    Write Errors:0
    Unmap Errors:0
    Checksum Errors:0
    Error Log Entries:0
  Critical Warnings:
    Temperature: OK
    Available Spare: OK
    Device Reliability: OK
    Read Only: OK
    Volatile Memory Backup: OK
  Intel Vendor SMART Attributes:
    Program Fail Count:
    Erase Fail Count:
    Wear Leveling Count:
    End-to-End Error Detection Count:0
    CRC Error Count:0
    Timed Workload, Media Wear:65535
    Timed Workload, Host Read/Write Ratio:65535
    Timed Workload, Timer:65535
    Thermal Throttle Status:0%
    Thermal Throttle Event Count:0
    Retry Buffer Overflow Counter:0
    PLL Lock Loss Count:0
    NAND Bytes Written:222897
    Host Bytes Written:71

PCI:0000:81:00.0 Model:INTEL SSDPED1K750GA  FW:E2010435 Socket:1 Capacity:750 GB
  Health Stats:
    Controller Busy Time:8m0s
    Power Cycles:23
    Power On Duration:10399h0m0s
    Unsafe Shutdowns:18
    Error Count:0
    Media Errors:0
    Read Errors:0
    Write Errors:0
    Unmap Errors:0
    Checksum Errors:0
    Error Log Entries:0
  Critical Warnings:
    Temperature: OK
    Available Spare: OK
    Device Reliability: OK
    Read Only: OK
    Volatile Memory Backup: OK
  Intel Vendor SMART Attributes:
    Program Fail Count:
    Erase Fail Count:
    Wear Leveling Count:
    End-to-End Error Detection Count:0
    CRC Error Count:0
    Timed Workload, Media Wear:65535
    Timed Workload, Host Read/Write Ratio:65535
    Timed Workload, Timer:65535
    Thermal Throttle Status:0%
    Thermal Throttle Event Count:0
    Retry Buffer Overflow Counter:0
    PLL Lock Loss Count:0
    NAND Bytes Written:222897
    Host Bytes Written:71

PCI:0000:da:00.0 Model:INTEL SSDPED1K750GA  FW:E2010435 Socket:1 Capacity:750 GB
  Health Stats:
    Controller Busy Time:1m0s
    Power Cycles:23
    Power On Duration:10399h0m0s
    Unsafe Shutdowns:19
    Error Count:0
    Media Errors:0
    Read Errors:0
    Write Errors:0
    Unmap Errors:0
    Checksum Errors:0
    Error Log Entries:0
  Critical Warnings:
    Temperature: OK
    Available Spare: OK
    Device Reliability: OK
    Read Only: OK
    Volatile Memory Backup: OK
  Intel Vendor SMART Attributes:
    Program Fail Count:
    Erase Fail Count:
    Wear Leveling Count:
    End-to-End Error Detection Count:0
    CRC Error Count:0
    Timed Workload, Media Wear:65535
    Timed Workload, Host Read/Write Ratio:65535
    Timed Workload, Timer:65535
    Thermal Throttle Status:0%
    Thermal Throttle Event Count:0
    Retry Buffer Overflow Counter:0
    PLL Lock Loss Count:0
    NAND Bytes Written:222897
    Host Bytes Written:71


The next step consists of specifying the devices that should be used by DAOS in the server configuration YAML file. The engines section of the config is a list with details for each DAOS engine to be started on the host (one engine will be created for each entry in list).

Devices with the same NUMA rating/node/socket should be colocated on a single DAOS engine where possible. See the server configuration file section for more details.

Storage is specified for each engine in a storage list with each entry in the list defining an individual storage tier.

Each tier has a class parameter which defines the storage type. Typical class values are "dcpm" for PMem (Intel(R) Optane(TM) persistent memory) and "nvme" for NVMe SSDs.

For class == "dcpm", the following parameters should be populated:

  • scm_list should should contain PMem interleaved-set namespaces (e.g. /dev/pmem1). Currently the size of the list is limited to 1.
  • scm_mount gives the desired local directory to be used as the mount point for DAOS persistent storage mounted on the specified PMem device specified in scm_list.

For class == "nvme", the following parameters should be populated:

  • bdev_list should be populated with NVMe PCI addresses.

Example Configurations

To illustrate, assume a cluster with homogeneous hardware configurations that returns the following from scan for each host:

[daos@wolf-72 daos_m]$ dmg -l wolf-7[1-2] storage scan --verbose
SCM Namespace Socket ID Capacity
------------- --------- --------
pmem0         0         2.90TB
pmem1         1         2.90TB

NVMe PCI     Model                FW Revision Socket ID Capacity
--------     -----                ----------- --------- --------
0000:81:00.0 INTEL SSDPED1K750GA  E2010325    0         750.00GB
0000:87:00.0 INTEL SSDPEDMD016T4  8DV10171    0         1.56TB
0000:da:00.0 INTEL SSDPED1K750GA  E2010325    1         750.00GB

In this situation, the configuration file engines section could be populated as follows to establish 2-tier storage:

port: 10001
access_points: ["wolf-71"] # <----- updated
  targets: 16                 # number of I/O service threads per-engine
  first_core: 0               # offset of the first core to bind service threads
  nr_xs_helpers: 0            # count of I/O offload threads
  fabric_iface: eth0          # network interface to use for this engine
  fabric_iface_port: 31416    # network port
  log_mask: ERR               # debug level to start with the engine with
  log_file: /tmp/server1.log  # where to store engine logs
    class: dcpm               # type of first storage tier (SCM)
    scm_list: [/dev/pmem0]    # <----- updated
    scm_mount: /mnt/daos0     # where to mount SCM
    class: nvme               # type of second storage tier (NVMe)
    bdev_list: ["0000:87:00.0"] # <----- updated
  targets: 16
  first_core: 0
  nr_xs_helpers: 0
  fabric_iface: eth0
  fabric_iface_port: 32416
  log_mask: ERR
  log_file: /tmp/server2.log
    class: dcpm               # type of first storage tier (SCM)
    scm_list: [/dev/pmem1]    # <----- updated
    scm_mount: /mnt/daos1     # where to mount SCM
    class: nvme               # type of second storage tier (NVMe)
    bdev_list: ["0000:da:00.0"] # <----- updated

There are a few optional providers that are not built by default. For detailed information, please refer to the [DAOS build documentation][6].


DAOS Control Servers will need to be restarted on all hosts after updates to the server configuration file.

Pick one host in the system and set access_points to list of that host's hostname or IP address (don't need to specify port). This will be the host which bootstraps the DAOS management service (MS).

The support of the optional providers is not guarantee and can be removed without further notification.

Network Configuration

Network Scan

The dmg utility supports the network scan function to display the network interfaces, related OFI fabric providers and associated NUMA node for each device. This information is used to configure the global fabric provider and the unique local network interface for each I/O engine on the storage nodes. This section will help you determine what to provide for the provider, fabric_iface and pinned_numa_node entries in the daos_server.yml file.

The following commands are typical examples:

$ dmg network scan
$ dmg network scan -p all
$ dmg network scan -p ofi+sockets
$ dmg network scan --provider 'ofi+verbs;ofi_rxm'

In the early stages when a daos_server has not yet been fully configured and lacks a declaration of the system's fabric provider, it may be helpful to view an unfiltered list of scan results.

Use either of these dmg commands in the early stages to accomplish this goal:

$ dmg network scan
$ dgm network scan -p all

Typical network scan results look as follows:

$ dmg network scan

    NUMA Socket 1

        Provider    Interfaces
        --------    ----------
        ofi+sockets ib1


    NUMA Socket 0

        Provider    Interfaces
        --------    ----------
        ofi+sockets ib0, eth0

    NUMA Socket 1

        Provider    Interfaces
        --------    ----------
        ofi+sockets ib1

Use one of these providers to configure the provider in the daos_server.yml. Only one provider may be specified for the entire DAOS installation. Client nodes must be capable of communicating to the daos_server nodes via the same provider. Therefore, it is helpful to choose network settings for the daos_server that are compatible with the expected client node configuration.

After the daos_server.yml file has been edited and contains a provider, subsequent dmg network scan commands will filter the results based on that provider. If it is desired to view an unfiltered list again, issue dmg network scan -p all.

Regardless of the provider in the daos_server.yml file, the results may be filtered to the specified provider with the command dmg network scan -p ofi_provider where ofi_provider is one of the available providers from the list.

The results of the network scan may be used to help configure the I/O engines.

Each I/O engine is configured with a unique fabric_iface and optional pinned_numa_node. The interfaces and NUMA Sockets listed in the scan results map to the daos_server.yml fabric_iface and pinned_numa_node respectively. The use of pinned_numa_node is optional, but recommended for best performance. When specified with the value that matches the network interface, the I/O engine will bind itself to that NUMA node and to cores purely within that NUMA node. This configuration yields the fastest access to that network device.

Changing Network Providers

Information about the network configuration is stored as metadata on the DAOS storage.

If, after initial deployment, the provider must be changed, it is necessary to reformat the storage devices using dmg storage format after the configuration file has been updated with the new provider.

Provider Testing

Then, the fi_pingpong test can be used to verify that the targeted OFI provider works fine:

node1$ fi_pingpong -p psm2

node2$ fi_pingpong -p psm2 ${IP_ADDRESS_NODE1}

bytes #sent #ack total time  MB/sec  usec/xfer Mxfers/sec
64    10    =10  1.2k  0.00s 21.69   2.95      0.34
256   10    =10  5k    0.00s 116.36  2.20      0.45
1k    10    =10  20k   0.00s 379.26  2.70      0.37
4k    10    =10  80k   0.00s 1077.89 3.80      0.26
64k   10    =10  1.2m  0.00s 2145.20 30.55     0.03
1m    10    =10  20m   0.00s 8867.45 118.25    0.01

CPU Resources

The I/O engine is multi-threaded, and the number of I/O service threads and helper threads that should be used per engine must be configured in the engines: section of the daos_server.yml file.

The number of I/O service threads is configured with the targets: setting. Each storage target manages a fraction of the (interleaved) SCM storage space, and a fraction of one of the NVMe SSDs that are managed by this engine. The optimal number of storage targets per engine depends on two conditions:

  • For optimal balance regarding the NVMe space, the number of targets should be an integer multiple of the number of NVMe disks that are configured in the bdev_list: of the engine.

  • To obtain the maximum SCM performance, a certain number of targets is needed. This is device- and workload-dependent, but around 16 targets usually work well.

While not required, it is recommended to also specify a number of I/O offloading threads with the nr_xs_helpers: setting. These threads can improve performance by offloading activities like checksum calculation and the dispatching of server-side RPCs from the main I/O service threads.

The server should have sufficiently many physical cores to support the number of targets plus the additional service threads.

Storage Formatting

Once the daos_server has been restarted with the correct storage devices, network interface, and CPU threads to use, one can move to the format phase. When daos_server is started for the first time, it enters "maintenance mode" and waits for a dmg storage format call to be issued from the management tool. This remote call will trigger the formatting of the locally attached storage on the host for use with DAOS using the parameters defined in the server config file.

dmg -l <host>[,...] storage format will normally be run on a login node specifying a hostlist (-l <host>[,...]) of storage nodes with SCM/PMem modules and NVMe SSDs installed and prepared.

Upon successful format, DAOS Control Servers will start DAOS I/O engines that have been specified in the server config file.

Successful start-up is indicated by the following on stdout: DAOS I/O Engine (v2.0.1) process 433456 started on rank 1 with 8 target, 2 helper XS, firstcore 0, host

SCM Format

When the command is run, the pmem kernel devices created on SCM/PMem regions are formatted and mounted based on the parameters provided in the server config file.

  • scm_mount specifies the location of the mountpoint to create.
  • scm_class can be set to ram to use a tmpfs in the situation that no SCM/PMem is available (scm_size dictates the size of tmpfs in GB), when set to dcpm the device specified under scm_list will be mounted at scm_mount path.

NVMe Format

When the command is run, NVMe SSDs are formatted and set up to be used by DAOS based on the parameters provided in the server config file.

bdev_class can be set to nvme to use actual NVMe devices with SPDK for DAOS storage. Other bdev_class values can be used for emulation of NVMe storage as specified in the server config file. bdev_list identifies devices to use with a list of PCI addresses (this can be populated after viewing results from storage scan command).

After the format command is run, the path specified by the server configuration file scm_mount parameter should be mounted and should contain a file named daos_nvme.conf. The file should describe the devices with PCI addresses as listed in the bdev_list parameter of the server config file. The presence and contents of the file indicate that the specified NVMe SSDs have been configured correctly for use with DAOS.

The contents of the NVMe SSDs listed in the server configuration file bdev_list parameter will be reset on format.

Server Format

Before the format command is run, no DAOS metadata should exist under the path specified by scm_mount parameter in the server configuration file.

After the storage format command is run, the path specified by the server configuration file scm_mount parameter should be mounted and should contain the necessary DAOS metadata indicating that the server has been formatted.

When starting, daos_server will skip maintenance mode and attempt to start I/O engines if valid DAOS metadata is found in scm_mount.

Agent Setup

This section addresses how to configure the DAOS Agents on the client nodes.

Agent User and Group Setup

The daos_agent daemon runs as an unprivileged user process, with the username daos_agent and group name daos_agent. If those IDs do not exist at the time the daos-client RPM is installed, they will be created during the RPM installation. Refer to User and Group Management for details.

Agent Certificate Generation

The DAOS security framework relies on SSL certificates to authenticate the DAOS daemon processes, as well as the DAOS administrators who run the dmg command. Refer to Certificate Generation for details on creating the necessary certificates.


It is possible to disable the use of certificates for testing purposes. This should never be done in production environments. Running in insecure mode will allow arbitrary un-authenticated user processes to access and potentially damage the DAOS storage.

Agent Configuration File

The daos_agent configuration file is parsed when starting the daos_agent process. The configuration file location can be specified on the command line with the -o option (see daos_agent -h for usage help). Otherwise, the default location /etc/daos/daos_agent.yml will be used. When running daos_agent under systemd control, the default location is used unless the ExecStart line in the daos_agent.service file is modified to include the -o option.

Parameter descriptions are specified in the sample daos_agent.yml file, which will also get installed into /etc/daos/daos_agent.yml during the installation of the daos-client RPM.

Any option supplied to daos_agent as a command line option or flag will take precedence over equivalent configuration file parameter.

The following section lists the format, options, defaults, and descriptions available in the configuration file.

Defining fabric interfaces manually

By default, the DAOS Agent automatically detects all fabric interfaces on the client node. It selects an appropriate one for DAOS I/O based on the NUMA node of the client request and the interface type preferences reported by the DAOS management service.

If the DAOS Agent does not detect the fabric interfaces correctly, the administrator may define them manually in the Agent configuration file. These fabric_iface entries must be organized by NUMA node. If using the verbs provider, the interface domain is also required.


  numa_node: 0
    iface: ib0
    domain: mlx5_0
    iface: ib1
    domain: mlx5_1
  numa_node: 1
    iface: ib2
    domain: mlx5_2
    iface: ib3
    domain: mlx5_3

Agent Startup

The DAOS Agent is a standalone application to be run on each client node. By default, the DAOS Agent will be run as a systemd service. The DAOS Agent unit file is installed in the correct location (/usr/lib/systemd/system/daos_agent.service) during RPM installation.

After the RPM installation, and after the Agent configuration file has been created, the following commands will enable the DAOS Agent to be started at the next reboot, will start it immediately, and will check the status of the Agent after being started:

$ sudo systemctl enable daos_agent.service
$ sudo systemctl start  daos_agent.service
$ sudo systemctl status daos_agent.service

If the DAOS Agent fails to start, check the systemd logs for errors:

$ sudo journalctl --unit daos_agent.service

Starting the DAOS Agent with a non-default configuration

To start the DAOS Agent from the command line, for example to run with a non-default configuration file, run:

$ daos_agent -o <'path to agent configuration file/daos_agent.yml'> &

If you wish to use systemd with a development build, you must copy the Agent service file from utils/systemd/ to /usr/lib/systemd/system/. Then modify the ExecStart line to point to your Agent configuration file:

ExecStart=/usr/bin/daos_agent -o <'path to agent configuration file/daos_agent.yml'>

Once the service file is installed and systemctl daemon-reload has been run to reload the configuration, the daos_agent can be started through systemd as shown above.

Disable Agent Cache (Optional)

In certain circumstances (e.g. for DAOS development or system evaluation), it may be desirable to disable the DAOS Agent's caching mechanism in order to avoid stale system information being retained across reformats of a system. The DAOS Agent normally caches a map of rank-to-fabric URI lookups as well as client network configuration data in order to reduce the number of management RPCs required to start an application. When this information becomes stale, the Agent must be restarted in order to repopulate the cache with new information. Alternatively, the caching mechanism may be disabled, with the tradeoff that each application launch will invoke management RPCs in order to obtain system connection information.

To disable the DAOS Agent caching mechanism, set the following environment variable before starting the daos_agent process:


If running from systemd, add the following to the daos_agent service file in the [Service] section before reloading systemd and restarting the daos_agent service:


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