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Native Object Interface

Building against the DAOS library

To build an application or I/O middleware against the native DAOS API, include the daos.h header file in your program and link with -Ldaos. Examples are available under src/tests.

DAOS API Reference

libdaos is written in C and uses Doxygen comments that are added to C header files. The Doxygen documentation is available here.

Python Bindings

The pydaos.raw submodule provides access to DAOS API functionality via Ctypes and was developed with an emphasis on test use cases. While the majority of unit tests are written in C, higher-level tests are written primarily using the Python API. Interfaces are provided for accessing DAOS management and DAOS API functionality from Python. This higher level interface allows a faster turnaround time on implementing test cases for DAOS.


The Python API is split into several files based on functionality:

High-level abstraction classes exist to manipulate DAOS storage:

class DaosPool(object)
class DaosContainer(object)
class DaosObj(object)
class IORequest(object)

DaosPool is a Python class representing a DAOS pool. All pool-related functionality is exposed from this class. Operations such as creating/destroying a pool, connecting to a pool, and adding a target to a storage pool are supported.

DaosContainer is a Python class representing a DAOS container. As with the DaosPool class, all container-related functionality is exposed here. This class also exposes abstracted wrapper functions for the flow of creating and committing an object to a DAOS container.

DaosObj is a Python class representing a DAOS object. Functionality such as creating/deleting objects in a container, 'punching' objects (delete an object from the specified transaction only), and object query.

IORequest is a Python class representing a read or write request against a DAOS object.

Several classes exist for management purposes as well:

class DaosContext(object)
class DaosLog
class DaosApiError(Exception)

DaosContext is a wrapper around the DAOS libraries. It is initialized with the path where DAOS libraries can be found.

DaosLog exposes functionality to write messages to the DAOS client log.

DaosApiError is a custom exception class raised by the API internally in the event of a failed DAOS action.

Most functions exposed in the DAOS C API support both synchronous and asynchronous execution, and the Python API exposes this same functionality. Each API takes an input event. DaosEvent is the Python representation of this event. If the input event is NULL, the call is synchronous. If an event is supplied, the function will return immediately after submitting API requests to the underlying stack, and the user can poll and query the event for completion.


Ctypes is a built-in Python module for interfacing Python with existing libraries written in C/C++. The Python API is built as an object-oriented wrapper around the DAOS libraries utilizing ctypes.

Ctypes documentation can be found here

The following demonstrates a simplified example of creating a Python wrapper for the C function daos_pool_tgt_exclude_out, with each input parameter to the C function being cast via ctypes. This also demonstrates struct representation via ctypes:

// daos_exclude.c

#include <stdio.h>

daos_pool_tgt_exclude_out(const uuid_t uuid, const char *grp,
                          struct d_tgt_list *tgts, daos_event_t *ev);

All input parameters must be represented via ctypes. If a struct is required as an input parameter, a corresponding Python class can be created. For struct d_tgt_list:

struct d_tgt_list {
    d_rank_t    *tl_ranks;
    int32_t     *tl_tgts;
    uint32_t    tl_nr;
class DTgtList(ctypes.Structure):
    _fields_ = [("tl_ranks", ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_uint32)),
                ("tl_tgts", ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_int32)),
                ("tl_nr", ctypes.c_uint32)]

The shared object containing daos_pool_tgt_exclude_out can then be imported and the function called directly:


import ctypes
import uuid
import conversion # utility library to convert C <---> Python UUIDs

# init python variables
p_uuid = str(uuid.uuid4())
p_tgts = 2
p_ranks = DaosPool.__pylist_to_array([2])

# cast python variables via ctypes as necessary
c_uuid = str_to_c_uuid(p_uuid)
c_grp = ctypes.create_string_buffer(b"daos_group_name")
c_tgt_list = ctypes.POINTER(DTgtList(p_ranks, p_tgts, 2))) # again, DTgtList must be passed as pointer

# load the shared object
my_lib = ctypes.CDLL('/full/path/to/')

# now call it
my_lib.daos_pool_tgt_exclude_out(c_uuid, c_grp, c_tgt_list, None)

Error Handling

The API was designed using the EAFP (Easier to Ask Forgiveness than get Permission) idiom. A given function will raise a custom exception on error state, DaosApiError. A user of the API is expected to catch and handle this exception as needed:

# catch and log
except DaosApiError as e:
    self.d_log.ERROR("My DAOS action encountered an error!")


The Python DAOS API exposes functionality to log messages to the DAOS client log. Messages can be logged as INFO, DEBUG, WARN, or ERR log levels. The DAOS log object must be initialized with the environmental context in which to run:

from pydaos.raw import DaosLog

self.d_log = DaosLog(self.context)

self.d_log.DEBUG("Debugging code")
self.d_log.WARNING("Be aware, may be issues")
self.d_log.ERROR("Something went very wrong")

Go Bindings

API bindings for Go2 are also available.



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