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Multi-user dfuse.


Multi user dfuse is an operating mode of dfuse where it is able to provide filesystem access to multiple users/groups on a node through the same dfuse daemon. This can be used persistently on a node to provide data sharing and scratch-style access or on-demand by specific users to allow others to access their data.


To enable multi user dfuse libfuse needs to be reconfigured as root to allow other users to access the mount point. This is a per-node setting to a configuration file in /etc and will apply for all users on a node. Only root can enable this, but once set it applies to all users.

Persistent multi user dfuse instances make sense on login nodes to allow permanent access to DAOS for multiple users without the overhead of spinning up per-user instances of dfuse on login. It allows better use of kernel resources, is easier to administer and more flexibile than per-user dfuse processes.

To set this up it is assumed that the system admins will create a dedicated unix account for this and configure systemd on login/compile nodes to start dfuse as part of the boot sequence for the nodes. This dedicated user should have a pool and container that are owned by them to serve as the "root" of the dfuse mount, and systemd should be configured to provide these details to dfuse at startup. It is anticipated that this root container will serve only to host links to other containers owned by different users and will not itself contain significant data.

Unified Namespace.

Requirement for setting of ACLs.

To make use of Unified Namespace with a single dfuse instance across processes for multiple users appropriate ACLs need to be set on both DAOS pools and containers. DFuse is like any other daos client in this regard and when running multi-user dfuse then it is likely that the user dfuse is running as does not own all the pools and containers it will be serving.

All pools whose containers are served through this multi-user dfuse mount need a pool ACL that grants 'r' permissions to the user that is running the multi-user dfuse process. The administrator may choose to set this when creating pools.

It is possible for a user to run multi-user dfuse and to do so purely to expose data in their own containers to other users. In this case the user running dfuse is the same as the user owning the containers so no modification of ACLs is required.

Automatic setting of ACLs.

For containers the 'r', 't' and 'w' permissions are required on the container for the user running dfuse. When containers are created though the daos command using a path which resides in a multi-user dfuse mount then these ACLs are set automatically and this is reported to the user.

If a container is created using a path not backed by multi-user dfuse - for example, on a per-user dfuse instance or where a path option is not provided at all - then in order for anyone to access the container the user will need to add this permission themselves. This includes the user that owns the pool. Without the dfuse user being able to access the container it cannot serve the contents, even to the container owner. This applies equally well to containers where the Unified Namespace link is created after the container itself is created.

Controlling data sharing and access.

DFuse itself does not handle permissions checks regardless of options but rather provides file and directory ownership and permissions bits information to the kernel which then checks if user is entitled to perform the requested operation. As such once a multi-user dfuse instance is running it will serve to the kernel the contents of any containers that the dfuse instance itself can access, and the kernel will then use standard Unix file/directory permissions to decide if operations are permitted. It is therefore possible for users be able to access POSIX data across containers seamlessly where permissions is granted only at the POSIX file/directory layer.

Consider the following example: dfuse is configured to run in the recommended manner, with two users Anthony and Berlinda who use it to share data, yet Berlinda does not have ACL read access Anthony's pool or container - only POSIX permissions.


Setup user to serve dfuse and create containers, mount points etc.

$ sudo -u dserve dmg pool create root_pool --size 1g
$ sudo -u dserve daos cont create --type POSIX root_pool root_container
$ sudo mkdir /daos
$ sudo chown dserve.dserve /daos

Run dfuse, this should be done via systemd to be automatically mounted at boot time.

$ sudo -u dserve dfuse --multi-user /daos root_pool root_container

Create a directory for anthony to own, and create a pool for him.

$ sudo mkdir -m 0700 /daos/anthony
$ sudo chown anthony.anthony /daos/anthony
$ sudo dmg pool create -u anyhony -g anthony anthony_pool --size 1g
$ sudo dmg pool update-acl anthony_pool -e "A::dserve@:r"
$ sudo dmg pool get-acl anthony_pool
# Owner: anyhony@
# Owner Group: anthony@
# Entries:
$ sudo -u anthony daos cont create --path /daos/anthony/my-data anthony_pool my-data --type POSIX
$ sudo -u anthony daos container get-acl --path /daos/anthony/my-data
# Owner: anthony@
# Owner Group: anthony@
# Entries:
$ sudo -u anthony chmod 755 /daos/anthony
$ sudo -u anthony sh -c "echo hello-world > /daos/anthony/my-data/new-file"

Now read the file.

$ sudo -u berlinda cat /daos/anthony/my-data/new-file

Interception library

Use of the interception library with multi-user dfuse is supported with no change in configuration. However, in the case where dfuse and the interception library are being run as different users then the DAOS pool/container handles will not be shared across process boundaries. In this case the interception library will itself call pool connect and container open leading to greater overhead in opening files. This change should be seamless to the user.

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